I did finish a novel called Inheritance, written by Indira Ganesan. It was about a teenage girl living in India who has an interesting family and history, and she spends the novel trying to both figure it out and learn who she is. It was a good "time-pass," as I've heard people say. I enjoyed it but it did not make any real impression on me.
I am currently reading Les Miserables for the first time via DailyLit. I love it. It is long-winded and there are parts on French history that lose me (I skip over them - shh! Don't tell!) but it is, for the most part, truly touching and beautiful. I have been reading for months and am only about 32% through it, but that's Hugo for you. I'm in no rush.
I also started reading Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. I have never read Woolf's fiction before (have read A Room of One's Own and adored it, of course) so it took me a little while to adjust to it, but the writing is fantastic and I'm glad I stuck it out. Again, I am only about 25-40% through it but it is going well.
Finally, I recently started The Slave by Isaac Bashevis Singer. It is a pretty dark tale but very interesting. Singer tells his story of Jacob, a Jewish man who survives the Chmielnicki massacre, in a folk tale sort of way. The predominant faith represented is Judaism, but there is also a lot of superstition and pagan ritual weaved throughout. I will keep you posted.
I loved 'Les Miserables' when I read it years before the musical took over. I've been toying for ages with the idea of re-reading it. thanks for jogging my mind.
I enjoy reading your blog
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