Sunday, October 12, 2008

TSS Week 19

I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. What a ride. I do feel that sorrow that comes with the end of a favorite series. In fact, it just reinforced for me (as a writer) how gifted writers are when they can make you care about their characters. Really care. As in, these characters are friends of yours that you think about long after the books are over. J.K. Rowling has written a Lord of the Rings for my generation. The series is definitely a classic, to my mind.

Here come the spoilers, so please don't read if you don't want the book... you know, spoiled.


I can't tell you how happy I was/am that Snape was vindicated. I knew I loved him for a reason.

Part that made me cry: When Percy returns to the Weasleys.

I particularly like Stephen King's review of the final book and the series in general.


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Yay for finishing the last one! I loved it as well, and i really do think it's amazing when authors make you care about their characters. it's amazing. i'm sad it's over as well.


stu said...

I thought this was better written than a couple of the ones in the middle, and certainly rounded off the series well.