Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Writer Moderates, Take 3

I am so pleased with the outcome of our latest BookWoman panel on Mental Health. There was a great turnout and the discussion was very helpful. Our panelists were:

Polly Ross Hughes, an award-winning journalist who has done extensive work on mental health issues and has just started her own publishing company.

Andrea Ball, an award-winning journalist who currently writes on philanthropy for the Austin American-Statesman.

Holly Hollan, the author of Soaring & Crashing, My Bipolar Adventures.

Diana Kern, the founder of EXPECT RECOVERY!

I am so thankful to all of them for participating, as well as to Susan Post of BookWoman for providing the venue and support, and all of the people who came out.

1 comment:

stu said...

It's becoming a successful regular thing.